Craft trade reinvented by the pandemic

Inspired by the Covid-19, Peruvian artisans have found creative ideas to survive the pandemic The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) stand out the wit and entrepreneurship of the Peruvian artisans that, despite the economic impact caused by the covid-19 in the Peruvian economy, have stand out with new creations. Despite the threat of the quarantine, artisans have come to the […]

Sweet Dreams With Soft And Warm Alpaca Fur From The Andes

Studies revealed that sleep with real fur is good for your health. Animal fur has been found to reduce the risk of asthma Nothing is warmer as an authentic fur. As a natural material, fur allows the body to breathe and is isothermal, keeping you comfortable and cozy, no matter the weather. ”The new research, presented at the European Respiratory […]